Australian High Commission

Contact us

Physical Address

Constitution Ave and Ispahani Rd,
Diplomatic Enclave, No. 1
Sector G-5/4, Islamabad, Pakistan


Access to the diplomatic enclave in Islamabad, where the High Commission is located, has been restricted by the Pakistani Government for security reasons. Access is only possible after you have scheduled an appointment with the High Commission, via the following methods:

  • Diplomatic Shuttle Service (DSS): this service has an office and bus station located on the corner of Third Avenue (Quaid-e-Azam University Road) and Murree Road. Bus tickets are available for sale at this office. You need to arrive at the shuttle bus station at least one hour before your scheduled appointment to allow time for security checks.
  • Using a private vehicle or on foot: from either the Foreign Office gate entrance on Constitution Avenue, or from the Shams gate entrance on Ispahani Road. Access is subject to prior entry clearance, obtained from the DPD (Diplomatic Protection Department) through the High Commission.

Postal Address

PO Box 1046, Islamabad, Pakistan


+92 51 8355 500 (Switchboard)


+92 51 848 9990 (Corporate and Consular Section)

+92 51 848 9991 (Executive Support and Political Section)

+92 51 848 9992 (Australian AID Development Section)

+92 51 848 9993 (Department of Home Affairs)

+92 51 848 9994 (Defence Section)

+92 51 848 9995 (Australian Federal Police AFP)

+92 51 283 2108 (Austrade)

+92 51 282 6078 (Maintenance Section JLL)


Note: Consular and Passport enquiries are for Australian Citizens and Australian permanent residents only and visa enquiries will not be responded to.